Let’s get a little philosophical…

Ok well right, this post may be slightly different for my amazing 34 followers, but I hope that someone, somewhere will enjoy it and kind of half relate. So as most of you know, I’m fifteen and I live in the UK. My life is pretty average, actually no, luckier than average, but I’ll talk a little more about myself in a later post if y’all want.

Anyway, my parents are in the process of divorcing, which, if any of you have experience with, is honestly the most horrific thing I’ve ever had to go through in ma life.

But that’s not what I actually want to talk about in this post. I surprisingly want to talk about two things, a movie and a book. Today, I went to see passengers, the one with J-LAW and Chris Pratt. It was HELLA good, I mean good acting, good plot, good filming, it was all just really great. Now, I don’t want to spoil the movie for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, but the underlying message of the entire movie was just really beautiful. It was all about mortality and making the most of the people you have around you, even if you have barely anyone. So, I am going to try and take the message from that movie and apply it to my everyday life, because there are many people in my life whom I don’t get on with, but I am aware that despite this, I need to really appreciate them.

Secondly, there is a book, which I have legit just started, but I can already tell that it if going to change my life. However, the preface to this book was enough to captivate me so entirely, that I have taken a life lesson from the first to pages. It’s about this elderly man reading through his now grown up son’s journal, whilst comparing it to his, and this extract focuses on one particular date, July 4th. On this date, the man writes, ‘wasted a whole day fishing with Jimmy-caught nothing!’, However, Jimmy, his son writes ‘went fishing with dad today-the best day of my life!’.

I honestly cannot tell you how much that affected me, and maybe it didn’t affect you as much as it has me, but I just wanted to share it and maybe provoke the same emotions that it did me. So all I want to do is leave you with this- Life is finite, Love it, Love the people in it, and most importantly-live it.

Testing Super Cheap Makeup

Ok ngl, I am kinda hella attached to this product. It is amazing, legit, one of the best makeup finds that I have ever discovered. That is the Kiko cream crush lasting colour eyeshadow. Now despite the long-ass name, this product is super affordable, at £4.80 a pop.

Cream Crush Lasting Colour Eyeshadow 05

So, in addition to the super low price tag, this is a hella big pot. You need barely any product each time you use it, so it’s very cost-efficient. I have this gorgeous rose-gold shimmer shade (p.s. sorry for the lack of personal photos, my stupid camera isn’t working), but there are also matte shades, and some that are more fleshed-toned, so that they can be used as a natural eyeshadow base.

Cream Crush Lasting Colour Eyeshadow 05

The actually consistency is pretty creamy, and is very easy to apply. I personally apply it with my finger , as that concentrates the sparkly pigment of my shade (number 5), but also works wonderfully when applied with a brush.

Anyway, at the end of the day, however you apply this amazing product, it is totally worth the purchase, and also if you enjoyed this pathetically snazzy article, please follow my blog and gimme a like. I hope that y’all have an amazing day!


Hi everyone, I’m back, and I owe you all a huge apology for not being around these past few months. I’ve had mocks, which, despite them meaning zero in the big way of life, they are surprisingly stressful. Anywho, now I want to concentrate more on this blog, and so I think my next post is going to be a beauty review, unless anybody has any ideas. I can do a deep, philosophical post if y’all want, but lets be real, those are hella deep. Anyway, anyone got any requests? If so just message me.